Halfway through the semester into week 8 right now and time is flying BY QUICK. Just 4 more weeks, done with semester 1 and ready to roll out the 2011 in Australia! I think some mates of mine are thinking of heading down to Sydney to ring in the New Year at the Harbour. So might tag along and do that with them. It'll be pretty amazing.
All is well, but most importantly had a great Friday! Got my second care package in the mail, first being from the lovely dad. Every year, Playboy does a "Girls of the Pac-10" issue. Pac-10 being the conference of universities on the west coast and WSU (my alma mater) being one of those schools. So there you go, a little American lesson for those Aussies reading this. Anyways, one of the bartenders that I used to work with at stubblefields was featured in the issue, so by all means I had to get my hands on a signed copy! Needless to say, my good friend Tricia was able to send me a copy as well as some other goodies (mostly Halloween and Thanksgiving themed since Australians aren't too keen to celebrating and American holiday!).
One of the goodies Tricia sent me was a can of pumpkin. Not any typical American knows what a can of pumpkin is used for, but to Australia, not so much... Therefore, Australian customs had a go at my package to find out what this "can pumpkin" was!
Enjoy! Miss you all!