We are all like penguins. Or more exact, lemmings. We follow in the footsteps of others but dare not step outside of our comfort zone and be that first penguin. And so it makes you think for a second about the life you currently have. The places you have gone or the places you want to go. You remember seeing that special on the Discovery Channel or Travel Channel and thought to yourself doing something like that. But then you remember the boyfriend/girlfriend/husband/wife you have. The kid(s) screaming to feed them or take them to the park to play. Or even that mundane 9-5 job that you sit in traffic for 45 mins just to get to. When was the last time you were happy? The last time you were able to sit back, relax and say you are happy with all that you’ve accomplished in life? Better yet, when your 10 year high school reunion comes, who is going to have the better story? You, because you popped out a kid and got married and went on a hike last weekend, or the guy that just got back from China and is heading to South Africa next weekend?
To me and I assume many others, life is a book. And each step of the way we write a new chapter. To many people though, they assume once marriage comes along, that is the final chapter of their book. This “domestic” lifestyle was seen as the “normal” lifestyle until the emergence of the internet and cheap air travel. Many began to saw what was out there, new adventures and experiences that they wanted to set out on. Whether it was a cheap motel room with the female off of craigslist or conquering Mt. Everest, we all have our own dreams to pursue. And if we can’t pursue them, we give up and fall back on life with the 9-5. When you were 5 or 6 (or even 10 and 11), what did you want to be when you grew up? I can tell you right now it wasn’t a house wife or stay at home dad.
Do you have a passport? If not, why? If you do, why haven’t you used it? Is it because of family issues? Or maybe because you work a job that doesn’t allow adequate vacation time? And if your answer is because you’re too broke to go anywhere, how? You're still young, working that same job you had in high school or perhaps fresh out of college. Or is it because you have too many bills or just spent the last $20 you had on diapers? Do yourself a favour. Next time you’re mulling over Facebook while you get ready for bed to repeat your life all over again tomorrow, click on the profiles of those that are traveling, not fellow friends who have the same interests as you. Instead of gawking over their photos and how you wish you were there, actually TALK to them. Ask them about their adventures, the places they’ve been, the people they’ve interacted with, and ask them if it was worth it. I guarantee 100% of the time; they'll say it was well worth it. Talk to those who have travelled at one point in time or another and I guarantee you the best stories are those that took place outside American borders. Whether it was getting arrested by Canadian police or the ping pong show you saw in Thailand, the stories are always there and they are always repeated to those who want to hear them.
There are many out there who have not truly lived. Their idea of a good life is domestication. This horrible idea that from the age of 24 on, they will not travel anywhere outside the continental U.S. let alone, their own state. This horrible idea that they will never get their passport or to experience what being at the Great Wall of China is like. They say “why fly there when I can look it up on Wikipedia?” or “why go when I can live vicariously through you?”. But then again, these are the people who have no motivation in life whatsoever but to just work, eat and sleep. And unfortunately, these people have already written the final chapter of their book. Learn from their failures. Listen to the horror stories of them at work, taking care of the kid(s) or the outrageous bills regarding food, utilities and trying to squeeze in work somewhere. Many of my friends whom once thought they were happily married or enjoying life are now divorced or unhappy altogether. But they all share a common trait, they have NEVER traveled.
Now read the Facebook statuses and check out the blogs of those traveling. Ask them about the food, the people, even the night life. And the more you listen, the more you wish you there. The more you realise the furthest you’ve been was Montana for a wedding. Or the most exotic thing you ate was the red curry at that Asian place in downtown Seattle. While you’re contemplating how to pay the cable bill for 500+ channels that you don’t even watch, they’re contemplating where to fly too next or whether to scuba dive the Great Barrier Reef or sky dive off the coast of New Zealand.
I challenge you to stop what you’re doing before you get caught up in the moment. It may sound great now, but I can promise you years or even months down the road, you will regret it. You will wish you had taken that trip. Even if it's to Canada/Mexico if you live in the U.S. or New Zealand/Indoneisa if you live in Australia; get rid of that which you don’t need, pay off the 4 credit cards that you’ve maxed out, and leave the country. Friends in foreign places are more than happy to help those traveling. Hell, there is even a site dedicated to it called couchsurfing.org. Live amongst strangers and share your American stories for their Chinese ones. Climb the Sydney Harbour Bridge on the weekend or have a cup of tea under the London Bridge.
Kiss under the Eiffel Tower or walk the same trail Frodo and Sam did in New Zealand.
Make that bucket list now before it is too late. Before you have to scrap that one and create a new one consisting of Disney Land, the zoo and breakfast for dinner. Thrill seek and create that own adventure that you’ll remember for the rest of your life. Going on Six Flags or sloppy joe Wednesdays is not an adventure. Do something that takes YOU outside of your comfort zone. Something that others will look to you in envy and wish they were you. Be that first penguin.
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